Bankruptcy law and enforcement Bankruptcy law and enforcement

The recovery of overdue receivables is in the vital interest of creditors. We are delighted to assist our clients with all possible forms of fast and effective enforcement of claims.

We already support our clients in the pre-collection phase, when it is only the possibility of the business partner’s default that exists. We provide practice-oriented advice to our clients on how to select the most effective procedure against delinquent debtors and support our clients in communicating with the debtor, collateral provider, liquidator and collection agent, and in taking legal action (initiating proceedings, filing the creditor’s claim and representing the creditor at creditors’ forums).


As a result of the global economic crisis, we have been involved in a significant number of enforcement and liquidation proceedings and have been successful not only against debtors but also against collection agents and liquidators trying to hinder enforcement. We take pride in how with our help receivables are recovered at a high rate.


When representing debtors, the first step is to help assess their actual situation, since in our experience an outside observer can make a more objective judgement. If necessary, within the scope of crisis management, we help deal with the situation threatening insolvency; restructure debts; request a payment deferral; or even assist in reorganizing the indebted company’s operation and structure. We have represented our indebted clients in a number of successful bankruptcy proceedings, whereby our partnership’s experience in banking and labour law and litigation, as well as our communication with foreign investors in foreign languages also facilitated agreement, thus preserving existing business relations with partners and suppliers.


Cross-border insolvency proceedings become increasingly common as opportunities offered by globalization and EU membership are widely used. Our language skills and experience allow us to assist our clients in such proceedings as well.


In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on executive liability. Thanks to our litigation experience, we can provide expert advice to executives of distressed companies to enable them to act within the law, thus preventing them from having to face liability as executives. Our experience is just as valuable to creditors wishing to make a claim against a senior officer of an indebted company.

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